A little known fact about me: I love Lady Gaga. No, really. The Fame has gotten me through many a tedious workout at the gym, and I really admire the way she’s created what essentially seems to be a persona, which has helped turn her into one of the most instantly recognisable women in the world today. Plus, wouldn’t it be great sometimes to be able to wear the craziest outfit imaginable, and not care what people think?
With that said, however, I have to state the obvious here: what the HELL is she wearing on her feet? From a distance, I assumed it was another pair of Alexander McQueen’s “hoof shoes”, but up close, that doesn’t seem to be the case. They also look like they have little-to-no arch support either, which sets them apart from something like the Antonio Berardi heel-less boots from a few years back, although presumably they must have something inside them to make walking easier than it looks.
Who made Gaga’s boots? I must confess, I have no idea, so if you do, please feel free to enlighten me. Several people have now told me it was Noritaka Tatehana, so take a look under the jump to see them in close-up!
how do you walk in that :S
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..I Love Thursdays =-.
Oh my, I love Gaga too but I have to say those are damn awful (and painful looking) boots.
.-= Louise´s last blog ..Shoe Challenge Outfit #1 – Ruby Shoesdays =-.
according to perez hilton they are Noritaka Tatehana’s “Night Makers”.
I love Gaga too, but these boots are so ugly… her songs are amazing, though!
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Almost done =-.
Noritaka Tatehana made it for Gaga.
…..I can’t stop my brain from screaming “I DON’T UNDERSTAND” and whimpering.
.-= caz´s last blog ..Collections: Part 1- Discworld =-.
It looks like the arch of the boot has broken! What gets me about this picture is that most of the time we see Gaga she’s being supported by her elbow as if she’s about to keel over but here when just about anyone could be forgiven for needing to be propped up she’s insisting on going it alone…
Haha, very true – it was months before I even knew what Gaga looked like without someone attached to her elbow!
lol so true
it does appear as though everyone within a 5 foot radius is hovering near her with arms outstretched ready to catch her in the event of a misstep though
For months I couldn’t figure out Lady Gaga (or just GaGa, as Elen Degeneres calls her) but then I realised she’s a publicity hound who occasionally makes a song and then it was all okay.
Dunno ’bout those shoes, though!
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The Full Monty =-.
I just don’t even understand how you could walk in those shoes. They make her feet look deformed.
I love Gaga’s music but I’m a bit tired of her constant LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT MEEEEE schtick.
I don’t know that much about fashion, but to me, it has never been and never will be about looking Ugly.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that its almost as if Lady Gaga aims to go out looking weird(read:ugly) all the time? =P
love it….