Casadei nude stretch knee boots

Casadei nude stretch knee boots

I’m a little bit obsessed with Casadei right now. OK, make that a big bit obsessed.

While most of my obsession revolves around sparkly heels and stylish sandals, though, the shoes I’d actually buy if I had the money aren’t shoes at all, but these stretchy knee boots.

These are the perfect boots, as far as I’m concerned: and I say this as someone who doesn’t really like wearing boots that much. It’s because I’m not a boots lover, however, that I like these. The pale colour would be more or less “nude” on me, you see, so these are basically the closest I’d get to wearing boots while not really looking like I was wearing boots. The stretch upper, meanwhile, neatly solves the “can’t find boots that fit well in the calf” issue, and adds to the “why, no, these aren’t boots! These are just my bare legs!” effect.

And, yeah, OK, they’re a little bit like prosthetic legs, now you come to mention it. Just a little bit. But they’d keep my legs warm and contrast nicely with my skirts and dresses, so I still love everything about them: or everything except the price.

BUY: Casadei stretch knee boots, $1,359
Click here to buy them

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