Carvela Sabrina leather ankle boots

nude ankle boots

Carvela ‘Sabrina’ leather ankle boots, £140

Now, where were these little beauties a couple of months ago, when I was desperately seeking a pair of nude-ish ankle boots, hmmm? Oh yeah, that’s right: they hadn’t been invented yet. It’s always the way of it, isn’t it? The simplest-sounding shoes are always the hardest to find (If you don’t believe me, try searching for the perfect pair of black pumps…), and when you do finally come across them, it only ever seems to happen once you’ve stopped looking.

Back in the September, I made a resolution to keep on wearing my favourite clothes throughout the autumn and winter, rather than simply retreating into dull, dark colours, like I normally do. There was just one problem: shoes. Most of my boots, you see, seemed to dark and heavy for the light-coloured clothes I wanted to wear, so I begun a search for a pair of boots that would work with those colours, but still be warm. Ideally I wanted something “nude”, but failing that, cream or taupe or some other variation of the shade would’ve done.

Could I find them? Nope. Oh, I found a couple of pairs that were close to what I was looking for, but none that were exactly what I was looking for.

These Carvela ankle boots, however? These are exactly what I was looking for. The colour is one that will go with everything, the shape is elegant and unobtrusive, so they won’t attract attention from the clothes, and the top of the boots is low enough, and snug enough to the ankle, that they’ll work with trousers or skirts. At £140 they’re not the cheapest ankle boots I’ll ever find, but they’re not the most expensive either, and for a real leather upper, I think it’s pretty reasonable.

Of course, I WOULD come across these in January, also known as The Most Broke Month of the Year. Gah. Still, I guess they’ll still be there next month: or maybe the month after that. Well, there ARE those Topshop court shoes to consider now too, don’t forget…

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