Atalanta Weller blue ‘Satu’ wedges

Atalanta Weller blue wedge shoes

I’m going to have to show you a few different photos of these shoes to let you fully appreciate them, so without further ado:

Atalanta Weller blue wedge shoes

Atalanta Weller blue wedge shoes

They’re a little more structural than I’d normally go for, but I still love them: the shape is so unusual, and although the mint green used on the insole won’t be visible when you’re actually wearing them, the overall effect reminds me of the sea, with the mixture of blues and greens.

The little “shelf” at the heel is the main talking point here, and is what gives the shoe that very angular, stylized look. It’s the kind of thing I tend not to like on most other shoes, but I think it works really well on these, especially when combined with the shape of the low wedge.

What do you think of these? They’re by Atalanta Weller and they’re £340 at Coggles: click here to buy them.


  • The heel is a little weird, but I love the color combo and the medium wedge – it is such a rare height to find, a perfect combo of lift and walkability.

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