ASOS ‘Tabby’ lace-up shoe boots

I’ve been hankering for a pair of shoe boots recently, and as if by magic, added these ones to their website yesterday. Sometimes I swear they can read my mind, and figure out just how to tempt me!

As just £35, you’d be struggling to find a more affordable shoe boot than these, and the shape is very classic. I suspect the colour of the boot on the right of the photo above will put some people off and make others fall in love with it (I’m somewhere in between the two), but the patent taupe version is very wearable. I’m drawn to patent at the moment because it tends to be pretty waterproof, and God knows, we need that at the moment!

Like them? If so, you can buy a pair here.


  • I love the colourful ones. I’d replace the laces with black satin ribbons.

    Taupe, not so much. I am pretty much against the whole beige-khaki-ecru spectrum.

  • I would have to say that high lace up shoes are my weakness. I own two pairs now (both the same model, one pair is pure black, the other black and white, another weakness of mine) and I just can’t ever seem to get enough of them
    The taupe version does seem much prettier, but I am not one for those modern wacky-coloured designs.

    I think that tally weijl had a pair of patent black lace up shoes with a satin ribbon. And satin laces never stay laced- up properly 🙁

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