I’m starting off the week in the best way possible (for me, at least): with a pair of stripey shoes!
These ones are actually a little more elegant than their stripey brothers and sisters, and I love the toe detail, too. These look like they’re just begging to be worn with some crisp linen trousers and subtle gold jewellery or accessories, to pick out the gold piping on the uppers. Perfect for summer days and evenings, these are by Stella McCartney, and are £389 at Far Fetch.
Great start of the week, indeed! I would buy then NOW, if just they weren’t £389… 🙁 I can picture a great summer outfit… but, as I said… the budget is not the best now…! (Better times wil come for sure! 🙂
.-= Denise´s last blog ..UK, UK, UK, iu-hu! =-.
These are the best stripey shoes I’ve ever seen. I reserve the right to change my mind if you show me a better pair of stripey shoes, obviously.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Oh how I laughed. =-.