Lanvin for H&M: the shoes

I’m assuming most people reading this will have heard all about the upcoming collaboration between Lanvin and H&M, which will go on sale in selected branches of H&M on the 23rd of this month. I love some of the party dresses that are included with this collection, but I have to say, the shoes aren’t particularly to my taste, which is probably a good thing because our local branch of H&M is never one of the “selected stores”, and even if it was, I don’t really fancy queuing for hours anyway!

What do you think of the footwear selection shown above, though? Prices will be£69.99 per pair, which is significantly cheaper than the mainline Lanvin collection. Will you be tempted to buy a pair, and which ones will you go for if so?


  • I love the red ones, but why the chrystals?? I’m afraid I’ll be (again) one of those people who only watch everyone getting excited from the distance..

  • I quite fancy the leopard and the red ones, but I just couldn’t be bothered with waiting in line for hours (and probably having to take the day off work to do so), just for a pair of shoes I’m not even over the moon about. I have a big ‘meh’ reaction to these.

  • I would go for the red ones, and probably pair them with some dark jeans.
    I usually don’t like pointed toes you know.. and anklebands.. but for some reason the red ones seem to attract me nonetheless…

  • Well, I just saw the video (Lanvin for H & M), very nice! The shoes are nice, but pointed toes, so, I won’t buy them… but nice styles!

  • Like everyone else, I like the red ones. And the leopard prints. I don’t think either pair is insanely beautiful though. Cute but not must-haves.

  • i like the floral with the sea-freen bow….but again i’m not terribly excited on the return of the pointy toe….

  • I like the turquoise, and floral pair. I’m not a fan of pointy shoes either, but they can be sexy. I don’t think my store is one of the select stores either. Even if it was, I’m not getting up at the crack of dawn to fight a crowd. Just can’t do it. 🙂

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