Jessica Simpson shoes: ‘Vadio’ colourblock sandals

One of the biggest sources of traffic to this site comes from people searching for Jessica Simpson shoes, so especially for all of you anonymous Google readers (Hi, how are you? Pull up a seat, get comfortable, talk to us about shoes!), here are the Jessica Simpson ‘Vadio’ platforms, which… well, which are really quite something, aren’t they?

These come in three different colourways: the one shown above, and these two:

The tops pair are $98 at Zappos, with the other two being reduced to $88 (the pair on the left) and $78 respectively, which I guess is a good indication of which colour combination has proved the most popular. Which do you prefer, though? Would you wear ANY of them?

Shoes: Jessica Simpson ‘Vadio’
Price: From $78
Click here to buy them. 


  • Well, I wouldn’t wear them. I can’t really see any of them fit into my life. But I do, somehow, like them, at least to first colourway.

  • I think it’s funny that most of your readers search for j. simp shoes because I really don’t like that many of her shoes! I’ve tried on several different pairs and they are not sturdy and not too comfy. I think it’s one of those cases where spending a little extra is better…
    I’m terrified on super skinny heels also, I just know I’d snap ’em in half.
    I’ve been a reader from the beginning, but I’ve been so busy with college until now so I’m back!

  • I’m not a huge fan of most of the shoes on celebrity lines, and I also haven’t quite come around to colour block either but this is (the blue and pink one) one of two shoes I could see actually working, the other being sportsgirls version.

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