Lordy! I have to admit, I’m not totally sure what that IS on the front of this shoe. Flower? Rosette? Um, Big Circle Thing? I’ve no idea, but as soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew these had to appear here: they may not be the kind of shoes I’d buy, but the combination of the front embellishment, the detail on the heel strap (which I love) and the heel itself, they’re definitely the kind of shoes that make me look twice.
Is that “look twice” in a good way, though, or in a bad way? You decide.
Hm, I’m not sure how I feel about them. I like them as art, but as an actual shoe for people to wear, they’re pretty over the top.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Nine accidentally funny domain names… =-.
I can’t decide.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The finished product =-.
I don’t like them. There’s too much going on with them so they look overcrowded and ugly.