Oh my. I’m sure some people will absolutely adore these shoes (in fact, I KNOW some people do, because Office are already down to the “last remaining pairs”. Unless, of course, they only ever ordered in a couple of pairs of these. Hmmm.) but my jaw actually dropped when I looked at them, and I say this as someone who generally likes bows. The overly cutesy pink-bow-and-cartoon-cupcake mix has a “designed by a child” look about it for me, though – in fact, it looks a bit like what might happen if you left your shoes alone with your kid and a box of sharpies.
I feel I should say something nice about these now that I’ve been so Not Nice about them. Anyone care to help me out with that?
Iron Fist Killer Cupcakes bow shoes, Β£50 at Office
How nice is: “Oh my god, they’re ugly as hell”? Not very nice? Well, no… Sorry, can’t help you…
.-= Natasha´s last blog ..Onion Soup =-.
Are those, um, skewered eyeballs on the shoe? That doesn’t really fit in with the bows and cupcakes theme. But I guess they ARE killer cupcakes.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Annoying thing. =-.
I think they’re absolutely adorable and I would not been seen dead in them.
Um. That wasn’t overly helpful was it?
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..What I did on the weekend, by Tracey =-.
Erm … they’d be good for a costume party? I’m not sure what the costume would be.
.-= Selina´s last blog ..Your daily dose of pretty: Smoothie print flats =-.
POSTIVE- no pastries were harmed in the making of these shoes
.-= charles´s last blog ..Trend–Thigh High Socks =-.
I kind of love them. Seriously.
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..Egyptian =-.
I guess they could look good with the right outfit?
not loving the print though. Too grotesque-halloween-y.
heheh, they`re cool :]
loved them so much i bought a pair !
I love them too. I know I shouldn’t. Wish I’d seen them when they were out.
.-= Alex´s last blog ..Kick Ass Kicks Ass =-.
i LOVE them!!
They’re AWESOME!!!! π
I want them soooo much!! ANYONE know where to get them. I have been searching all day and yesterday. looking at every store. they seem to be sold out!! They also have the black version, which is great too! I think i am leaning towards the white but PLEASE if anyone knows where there is an instock pair of probably 8s, id LOVE TO KNOW!! Thanks!
I picked these up last september at an event on sale for Β£40, I do know they now do them in black which are a bit easier to find π
If anyone knows anyone or anywhere that sells the black heels or the boots, either black or white, but mostly white with pink top, please let me know. Ive been looking ALL over for months & its impossible to find anything. Everywhere is out of stock π