These shoes freak me out. They look like they’re actually alive, and if I had them in my life, I’d probably spend most of my time feeling like someone was watching me. Such are the perils of an over-active imagination.
That aside, the design of these shoes doesn’t really appeal to me either. Call me crazy, but I just prefer my footwear to come WITHOUT a face, and these obviously fall short on that score. They are, however, pretty dramatic: they have a 15cm heel and 5cm platform, and even without the face, they’d be striking. With it, you have a guaranteed talking point, which I guess is something, at least. They’re £709 and are available from Far Fetch.
These are disturbing. Who on earth would design these and think they’re a good idea?
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Fruity =-.
OMG kill it with fire!
To be honest I hated it the first time I spotted it a few months ago, but I have to admit I’m slowly liking it
.-= Gracia´s last blog ..All I want for Christmas/New Year =-.
709 UKP? Someone is having us on.
Oh. Whoops. I do not think these are cute. Thanks for the tip.
Although I’d want to see them on someone (who is otherwise stylish, sophisticated, etc.) before sending them off to The Fashion Police.
.-= DesignerElla´s last blog ..Pursed Lips Changes, Funky Now, Better Later =-.
I think these shoes are adorable, and would look great on the right person. They are creative and different, give them a try.