Dolce & Gabbana polka dot platform peep toes
Is it just me, or have shoes suddenly got a lot more interesting, all of a sudden?
Don’t get me wrong – shoes have ALWAYS been interesting to me, which is why I started a blog about them. For a while there, though, I wasn’t finding footwear quite as compelling as it once was – mostly because everything seemed to look pretty much the same to me, really. For the first half of last year, for instance, I hardly bought any new shoes at all – and I’d hardly bought any in the 6 – 12 months prior to that, either. All of a sudden, though, there came a point last year when I couldn’t seem to open a retail website without finding a shoe I really wanted to buy. Slowly the shoe boxes started arriving at the door again, and last month I had to re-organise my shoe shelves a bit, to try to make way for some of the new arrivals. My wish list, meanwhile, is full of footwear, and every time I look at the higher-end websites, I practically start salivating over the shoes I find there.
Which brings me to these Dolce & Gabbana peep toes.
I’ll never own them, let’s get that straight right from the beginning. It’s also worth noting here that, even when the shoe world seemed to go through that lengthy dry spell, this brand still somehow managed to keep coming up with the goods, and making shoes that were just a whole lot more interesting than some of their competitors. With that said, these polka dot peep toes really reminded me of all of the reasons I started writing about shoes – and why I love them so much. They’re fun, they’re interesting, they’re the kind of shoes that will totally transform even a plain pair of jeans into something with a bit of ‘wow’ factor: and that, folks, is why I love shoes.