Which shoes would you like to find under your tree this Christmas?

As this will be my last “proper” post before I head off for the holidays, I thought I’d try and track down a super-shoe: a shoe amongst shoes, the type of shoe that would make you all gasp in wonder and then fall to the floor in amazement at its beauty.

Sadly, that shoe just doesn’t exist, and if it did, you just know it would cost more than the national debt, don’t you? It’s just not possible to find one shoe to rule them all that every one of us will love unreservedly, so instead I’m going to let you do the choosing, and imagine you can ask Father Christmas for any shoe in the world this Christmas, money no object. Which pair would you choose?

To answer the question for myself, I’m going to be boring and go for Christian Louboutin’s Feticha pumps in red, simply because they’re the perfect red pump, and if I owned them I’d never have to buy another pair of red shoes ever again. (Yeah, sure…) But enough about me: what about you? What’s the number one shoe on your Christmas list?

So I’m going to let you guys decide: which shoes would you like to find under your tree?


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