How would you like the chance to win a year’s supply of free shoes? I know, stupid question, right?
Well, Selfridges have just launched their new Shoe Galleries, and, in order to celebrate, they’re inviting people to post their favourite shoe story on their website, with the best story each week winning a free pair of shoes. When the competition ends, in November, the overall winner gets that year’s supply of shoes, and I can’t imagine many things better than that, can you?
To enter, just go here to post your story – you might also want to take a look at the terms and conditions, which you’ll find here.
Good luck!
Ive always wodnered what a “years supply” of anything is? Who decides? I’ll like to let it be known now that I can easily get through 3 pairs a day…bare that in mind selfridges!
OH, it’s a good question! How many shoes can we get a month? 🙂 Anyway, such a good idea… but we all have so many shoe stories… which one to pick… oh!
Wow, thanks for sharing the link! I’ll try to ignore my competitive streak and pass the word on as well. 😀
Good point Caz. Exactly how many pairs of shoes is a year’s supply? I’d be looking at at least one pair a day.