“Please don’t let them ACTUALLY light up,” I thought when I read the product name on these shoes. “Please let it just be a NAME, and not an actual description of what they do!” Because, although I know light-up heels are (or were – I don’t really follow these things) popular on children’s shoes, surely that’s where they should stay? Surely on a “grown up” shoe, a light-up heel would just look gimmicky and, dare I say it, tacky: neither of which are words I would usually associate with the Jimmy Choo brand?
People, the heels light up. They’re designed in much the same way as the light-up sneakers mentioned above, so that when your foot hits the ground, the heel will light up. And it’s a yellow heel. With a red sole. And I don’t know… I’ve read a few gushing reviews of these shoes from my fellow bloggers, but I think I’m going to have to be the voice of dissent here and say that this is just way too gimmicky for me to want to spend $2,495 on. I’d make a joke here about them “lighting up your life”, but I’m actually still in shock at having to write the words “Jimmy Choo” and “light-up heels” in the same sentence, so feel free to make up your own jokes there. Oh, and feel free to head over to Saks and buy them, too, if you so desire!
We have a word for things like this where I come from, with apologies to Jimmy Choo: Hooker-ific. Light-up heels indeed…
I agree with Marianne, they have a hookery feel to them. But I also think that they MIGHT (as in maybe slighty one in a thousand chance, please don’t hit me) be nice for a night out clubbing and pubbing with an all black outfit (black skinnies and a top). Then again it could be my crazy head speaking.
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..Atlantis Plexi clutch =-.
I can assure you that people are free to hold any opinion whatsoever about shoes here, without any danger of being hit!
Oh-my-God… I meant, “no” to those heels! As Ally said, maybe clubbing… but even that for me would be… something that is not what I expect from Jimmy Choo. For 30 pounds maybe, for some fun (the one wearing it wants everybody looking at her…), but… not more.
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Sunday real break =-.
Those are insaane! The child in me whose mother never bought her light up shoes LOVES them, but the young adult in me DESPISES them. I am SO torn.
.-= S.´s last blog ..Saturday, March 13, 2010 =-.
No. Just… no.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Bathroom part 4 =-.
Cheap-looking, tacky, tasteless and way overpriced. End of.
Does anyone think this would be really cool on the runway? I mean yeah, tacky-riffic gimmickyasheck and whatnot, but the models would be all bouncy-strutty and they’d go blink blink
lol that would be cool! personally i like to look at them and (in a million years) own them but i probably wouldnt wear them š but they look so cool!