[Buffalo ‘Baltha’ high heel boots, £153, Sarenza]
I spoke last week about my ongoing quest for winter boots that aren’t boring, and I think these ones by Buffalo are a good example of ones that aren’t. Yes, they’re still basic black, but they combine the sleek shape with a snake-skin gold heel which adds instant interest, and really makes them stand out: it’s not often that I scroll through a page of shoes and find myself stopping at a pair of boots, so they must be doing something right in that respect!
As well as finding winter boots a little, well, dull, most of the time, I also have a hard time finding ones that fit properly in the calf, and I know I’m definitely not alone in that respect. One thing I’ve noticed, though, is that three-quarter length boots tend to be a little more forgiving than knee-length ones in that respect: they may not fit perfectly, but they seem less likely to create that “Wellington boot” effect I get with a lot of knee boots, so I tend to gravitate towards them when I’m shopping for boots. Whether or not these ones would be the perfect fit remains to be seen, but combination of the simple shape combined with just a dash of gold means they’re definitely off to a good start!
[Buy them]
Those boots are pretty wicked! A Daft Scots Lass
OMG, I love them!
I’m not sure about the flash of gold, but maybe I’ve just been brainwashed by boring winter boots!
The heel detail is quite similar to the boots H&M have got out at the moment… I quite like these berry coloured beauties…
They’re not doing much for me. Maybe I need to see them styled in some way.