Alexander McQueen is fast becoming one of my very favourite boot makers. In fact, it’s probably a good thing for me that his shoes tend to be too expensive to even contemplate, or I’d have bankrupted myself by now. (I’d have a fantastic collection of boots to show for it, though.)
These red ankle boots have everything I like to see in a boot: a great colour, a high heel, a concealed platform, a couple of buckles to toughen them up a bit… Oh, and a $1,095 price tag. Prohibitively expensive for me, then, but if that seems perfectly affordable to you, you can buy them from the Alexander McQueen website.
These are perfect! Anyone want to lend me a thousand bucks? I think I can scrape up $95 on my own.
.-= Leigh´s last blog ..Boots No. 7 Natural Blush in Petal =-.
OMG. I would be willing to sell some organs to pay for those (not really, but WOW.)
When I find $1,000 in the street I will be buying these for sure.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Weekend Report =-.
why couldn’t the decimal place in the price shift left a place…they are beautiful and they have a closed toe! i am so in love with them…curse them for being basically a month’s rent