I had hoped to bring you a slightly larger selection of the shoes from Chanel’s Cruise Collection, shown this week in St. Tropez, but most of the models walked the runway barefoot, poor things. Georgia May Jagger (above), meanwhile, was even less fortunate in that she clearly drew the short straw and ended up wearing these curious spat/boots which just don’t look too flattering to me, even on a model.
Still, I do have some Chanel footwear to show you today, so take a look at the gallery below, and don’t forget to tell me what you think!
I’m sure she’s an absolute darling girl – how else could she be smiling so sunnily in those very peculiar boots. As for the dress/ poncho/ swimming costume-combo, words fail me. The Chanel shoes, on the other hand, I could say a lot about: wonderful (the suede boots), bla (the lace-up pair) and hm (the curious beaded pairs). Seriously, those beaded things, are they even shoes? They don’t appear to have any soles. Or is that not a requirement for shoes these days?
I don’t blame the girls who went barefoot. The only good things were the boots (the real boots, not those white things with the cutouts) Do designers not bring shoes in sizes to fit their models? Everything looked too big and gapey or too small and their toes hung over the edge.
I like the boots… not much else.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The Full Monty =-.
The beaded “shoes” (which, as has already been said, don’t look like they have soles-WTF?) look uncomfortable. The rings around the toes would irritate me all day.
I don’t really like any of these, although I think the boots Georgia Jagger is wearing are actually fun in a crazy way and remind me of “Alice in Wonderland” or something. Of course, I would never actually *wear* them.