Shoe Save # 62/80: Rinse & Repeat

Black Halo dress with green shoes

SHOES: River Island green suede slingbacks
SAVED: Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
With: Black Halo Jackie O dress (c/o Shopbop)

I know I said I was planning to save my newest shoe acquisitions this weekend, but, well, things didn’t go quite according to plan, as you can can read over at my personal blog. When a planned outfit doesn’t quite work out, I always end up falling back on my failsafe: the classic, little black dress, combined with a pair of bright, suede shoes.

In this case, the shoes in question were my green River Island slingbacks:

green suede slingback shoesThese shoes have been one of my favourite pairs this years, not just because of the gorgeous colour, but because they’re so much more comfortable than you’d expect from a heel of this height.

I wore these out to my friend Lindsay’s birthday party this Saturday, and I had planned to save another pair of shoes on Sunday, but we didn’t get home until the early hours of the morning, so the next day was a bit of a write-off! Ah, well, it was worth it:I just need to try to save an extra pair of shoes this week instead!

Black Halo Jackie O dress


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