Ah, the “lug sole”! It’s the name the fashion world has given to that chunky, heavy-treaded rubber platform that started to crop up on footwear a year or so ago, and, like so many other aspects of the fashion world, it’s something of a “grower”: the first few times I saw one of these soles on a shoe I thought it looked very out of place, but these days? These days I actually quite like it: go figure!
These Rock & Republic shoes have more than just the sole for me to like, however: I’m also rather keen on the bright pink suede uppers, and the curved side, which helps offset the chunkiness of the platform.
What do you think of them?
(Click here to buy them for $147.50)
RT @Shoeperwoman: [New Post] Rock & Republic Braiden Suede Pumps on Lug Sole – via #twitoaster http://www.shoeperwoman.com/2011/01/rock…
I think I’d fall over. That platform is huge and the soles are awful.