Red patent bow court shoes from Miss Selfridge

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These are just one of the many, many pairs of shoes I’ve been tempted by from Miss Selfride recently. I actually walked around the store with a pair of these in my hands for a good twenty minutes or so a couple of weeks ago, thinking they were perfect Ruby Shoesdays fodder. I eventually abandoned them, having concluded that I’d spent more than enough on shoes already that month, but now I’m regretting it just a little: they’re very cute, very wearable, and, above all, RED.  And only £35 into the bargain.

Get them here.


  • Ooooo yes, I stopped dead in the shopping centre at the sight of these shoes the other day. However I decided I should stick to Mary Janes – the strap stops me kicking shoes off in front of me down the street as I walk.

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