The bright red H&M knee boots that broke my heart

red patent knee high boots

If you’re a longtime reader, you may recall my ongoing hunt for a pair of red knee-high boots. I say “hunt”: I don’t actually make it my business to SEARCH for red boots, purely because when I find them, I know they’ll be expensive, and as they’re not the kind of thing I’d be likely to wear every single day, if I DO ever find a pair, I’ll have a bit of a tussle with my wallet.

(I also worry that red boots will make me look like I’m dressed as an ACTUAL superhero, and while I take my ShoeperWoman duties seriously, I think that would be going a LITTLE bit far…)

While I’m not actively searching for red boots, however, any time I come across a pair, I experience that moment of “OMG I MUST HAVE THEM”, which I’m sure is familiar to most shoe lovers, even if it’s not necessarily associated with red boots. Such was the case when I discovered these boots at H&M a few days ago. “OMG,” I thought, “I MUST buy them!” and then, “Out of stock? SERIOUSLY, H&M?”

Yes, they were out of stock. Which was really quite surprising, because I check the H&M website daily (along with most other fashion retail sites, and strictly as part of my blogging duties, you understand…), so I knew these were new in. How could they ALREADY be sold out? Well, they are. And they’re an online exclusive, too, which means I can’t even advise you to search for them in store, if you like them. Instead, I’ll simply advise you to keep checking back: H&M’s online stock does tend to fluctuate, and they often re-stock items after a few weeks, so if you share my interest in red knee high boots, don’t lose hope.

Alternatively, you COULD simply go for the black version, which is are also really nice: at £99.99, these are significantly more expensive than I’d usually expect from H&M, but they ARE real leather (which isn’t what I’d generally expect from the brand either), so that could explain it. As for the red version, here’s an non-superhero-inspired way to wear them:

how to style red knee high boots

  ♥  H&M jeans  ♥ Rails plaid shirt  ♥ Jules B cardigan ♥ Cambridge satchel ♥ Moschino Cheap and Chic watch



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