Mel ‘Dreamed’ heels, £55
My love of Mel/Melissa shoes has been well documented on this site, and the more rain we get, the more I find these waterproof jelly shoes to be totally indispensable. What did I do before I discovered jelly shoes, I wonder? And how would I ever manage to live without them, in a county in which it rains around 98% of the year? (I totally made that statistic up, by the way. I’m sure our rainfall isn’t quite that high -it sure feels like it a lot of the time, though!)
The open toes and d’orsay cut of these ‘Dreamed’ shoes makes them a “warm weather only” shoe for me, unfortunately, but they’re cute enough to make up for the fact that I wouldn’t be able to wear them until the spring. These come in six different colours: I’ve selected my favourite nude and red mix to show you here, partly because I think they’d be the easiest to wear, but also because they make me think of Snow White, for some reason. I think it must be the bright red against the pale upper. Or maybe I’ve just had too much coffee again.
Anyway, red was the obvious colour to wear with these shoes, and you know me: never one to shy away from the obvious option!
What to wear with Mel ‘Dreamed’ peep toes:
iPhone sleeve // skirt // top // earrings
I’d probably throw a differently-coloured cardigan or jacket (I like a classic denim jacket for spring, although I know a lot of people really dislike them) just to make the look a little less cartoony… or, then again, maybe I wouldn’t: you just never know. This outfit also feels kinda appropriate for Valentine’s week (assuming you like to get in on the “themed dressing” thing), although the shoes unfortunately aren’t appropriate for the Febriary weather in this part of the world: sad.
These shoes also come in plain red, black and blue, and also in a white upper/black bow and black upper/white bow combo. Take your pick from here.
I found some Mel shoes here a few weeks ago. Gotta say, I am not enamoured of the bubblegum smell! I did not think that would happen.