Continuing my flash-forward to summer, today I’m taking a quick look at the Marks & Spencer spring/summer 2015 preview.
If you’d told me a few years ago that I’d one day find myself looking forward to the M&S lookbook, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. The brand has worked really hard to shake off the “mumsy” image it used to have, however, and has produced a few big hits with its clothing lines, so it’s definitely become one to watch.
As for this collection, well, like the New Look preview from yesterday, this has quite a strong 70s flavour to it, with flared jeans, patchwork pockets and dungarees. The 70s is one of my least-favourite fashion decades, so this isn’t my favourite collection ever, but, on the plus side, I LOVE the full pink skirt, and will be looking out for that when it hits the stores.
As for when that will happen, the spring/summer lines generally start to drop anytime from around about now until mid-March, so keep your eyes peeled if there’s something here you fancy!