Heroes or Villains? Aperlai chunky platform sandals

chunky platform sandals

Those of you who hate chunky shoes and/or platforms, look away now!

These shoes are by Aperlai, and as distinctive as they are from the side, you really have to see them from the back to get the full effect:

aperlai chunky heels

I mean, WOW, right? They’re the kind of shoes that will make people stop in their tracks, whether it’s to stare at the square heels, the exaggerated platform, or the mix of glitter, suede and patent on the criss-cross upper.

All that’s left to decide now is whether people would be stopping in their tracks and saying “wow” because they loved them… or because they just can’t quite believe what they’re seeing.

Which is it? Shoeperheroes or Shoepervillains?

Aperlai platform sandals, £545, Shoe Scribe: click here to buy them.


  • Do you have a ‘view from the top’?
    I feel like the straps might create and interesting pattern on the foot, and I am down with multi-texturalism, because everything stays in the same color scheme.
    But the heel/side view are just abominable.

  • They’re better than some of the monstrosities put out by Jeffrey Campbell but I’m getting tired of the platform fad. I’ll vote villain despite their sparkly appeal.

  • Reeeeeally dislike the shape, it’s a pretty hideous shoe in general i think, but have to say, something about the mix of colour and texture is really attractive, I think that combination of different shades of blue on white is just lovely, that colour way on a different style would have me pulling out the credit card! It makes me think of lazy holidays in Greece!

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