They’re not a new style, but I was actually quite surprised to realise that Alexander McQueen’s heart peep toes hadn’t yet appeared here, so here they are! This black patent and bright yellow version is currently available at Net-a-Porter, where they’re selling for £375. I much preferred the bright red version that was released earlier this year, but those are much harder to come by these days, so if you really want to see your toes peep through a heart (now there’s a strange image, if ever I heard one!) these could be your best bet!
I love the style of the shoe but the yellow looks very harsh against the black. There’s another colour, you say?
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Monday Movie Review =-.
I really like the yellow and black, and I’m not usually a fan of peep toes, but these are cute and seem like they wouldn’t have the toes-hanging-off problem that I’m always convinced peep toes will cause even though they rarely do. (I have a thing about them, okay? It’s not entirely rational, I know.) Now, to find a rich Santa…
.-= Leigh´s last blog ..Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Dark Chocolate and Peppermint Lip Butter =-.
oooh these are cute 🙂
the colour combination isn’t my favourite but it suits the heart peep toe style…
i miss yooo shoeperwoman. 🙁 LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do they have ’em in pink or red?